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SMART Objectives

How to Set a SMART Objective for your SWOT Analysis

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There are various methodologies for setting effective goals and objectives.  We recommend using the S.M.A.R.T methodology which stands for: 

  • S - Specific 
  • M - Measurable 
  • A - Achievable 
  • R - Relevant 
  • T - Time-bound 

Here’s a simple exercise you can use to create your own SWOT Analysis S.M.A.R.T objective 

Specific - We want a specific, clear, objective for our SWOT Analysis   

  1. What: What do I want to accomplish?      
  2. Why: What is the purpose of this objective?  
  3. How does it benefit you?      
  4. Who: Who does this objective impact?  Who is involved?      
  5. Where: Identify the location for the breath of this objective     

Measurable - How will we know if we achieved success?  

  1. What are the concrete measures?      
  2. How much?      
  3. How many?

Achievable - The objective should be realistic and yet ambitious

  1. Accomplished: How can the objective be accomplished?      
  2. Realistic: How realistic is the objective based on others constraints? 

Relevant - The goal should be relevant to everyone associated with the SWOT Analysis

  1. Worthwhile:  Does this seem worthwhile?      
  2. Timing: Is this the right time to pursue this objective?      
  3. Conflict free: Does this match our other efforts/needs?      
  4. US: Are we the right people to be pursuing this objective?      
  5. Environment: Is this objective applicable in the current socio-economic environment? 

Time-bound - A objective needs a timeframe

  1. When: When will we complete the objective?

Here are a few examples of a SWOT Analysis S.M.A.R.T objective

  • Land a man on the moon by the end of the decade and return him back to earth safely
  • Expand our retail locations into mainland china an achieve 10% marketshare by 2020
  • Launch our Enterprise Application to GA by End of the Year and achieve 100,000 users
  • Double sales revenues for 2017
  • Achieve 99.99% uptime worldwide for all paid users by Q2 2017

An alternative objective setting method is called OKR.  This stands for Objective and Key Results.  The objective is typically an ambitious and subjective goal, and the key results are very detail specific measures for how you know you achieve your ambitious goal.